Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Kalamazoo, MI part 1

so ive been slackin on this thing pretty hard, i havnt really been taking a ton of pictures. ive just been chilling in the cold state of michigan, making cookies with julie and skating a bit. check out  the skate zoo blog!  skatezoo has been killin it keeping the skate scene alive in kalmazoo.
happy tanksgiving!
ziek with his shred stick
micah will knock you outt.
we had a burl factor premiere at truckenmillers, went really well, thanks guys! click here to order the video!
Julie makin some bombbbby cookies.
lottts of indoor skate seshs are going down.
lucy really likes that owl

1 comment:

Andrew Meador said...

it's great to read your blog, see what's happening in your neck of the woods. it seems like you guys have plenty of indoor spots around, that's a luxury we in Indianapolis don't enjoy.