after 3 days of demoing in a row chief took us somewhere in oregon by the ocean for a nice break. still not sure where it was exactly but it was nice and chilly, basically God is good at making stuff.

my friend jimbo

beastly tree

john in the cave of doom

this was a huge hill/rock thing that you could climb on and look off into the ocean, it was reallyyy fun

this guy was playing at a restaurant we went to, and this other guy was having a one man dance party, awesome.

lookin down at johnny through the cave


lookin off into the creation

dine-o-sore bones!

self explanitory

dave drinking coffee!? (i read in transworld its only hot chocolate, not sure though)

i gatta dolla hey hey hey hey!

so tight.

this was the park by the ocean, this little thing was so rad!
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