

mikey droppin in on the vert ramp

drop in north

he actually did it switch first, makes sense right?

deez doin the darkslides

Gee, pivot to fakie

Mike pullin the jumanji slide

deezle trying to be a raptor

Gee, tre flip darkslide

Al borlin, coffin 5-0

Geerod doin another tre darkslide

Mike wants you!.....to dance to the wing wang

peepin the text


Crook tailgrab one footer!

deez, back noseblunt

Cayl shreddyyyy fs air

Deezle crailblock slide

deez stalefish

mike steezin it

Deezle doin a tre flip to fakie

Jargon- Ollie to fakie

Geerod- fakie tail stall

Gee- Kickflip to fakie

Cayl doin a 360 indy

Mike and Deez checkin the footy


Deezle doin a fs flip tail grab (sweet face)

fs flip tail grab agian